At large conferences, business presentations in conference center, you would like to feel supported by a professional audio-visual partner...


A partner who will take care of all the technical and logistical elements of your project, whilst also applying their creativity in offering your audience the ultimate multimedia experience. All of which allows you, the organiser, time to calmly focus on achieving a great outcome for your programme.


Spectrum Event Technologies is this partner. From the largest event to the smallest one...

IPTV for your events....

Based on IP technologies IPTVs are becoming an indispensable part of the overall corporate communication strategy. Business environments are taking advantage of corporate TV systems for better communication with the interested public inside and outside their companies.

Live events, video training, video news and other information can be broadcasted over the LAN. For example, a corporate TV system can assist in seller training programmes, explaining about the latest products and services and demonstrating them on-screen.

Virtual studio...

Spectrum is able to present and completely pre-program every production 3-dimensional in an early stage. This will save a lot of time on site and will finally influence the entire production positively.

Spectrum can prepare all is needed to achieve the best results. We can program your lights and video for your live events

using the visualization software to show a great and accurate picture that you will have at the end.

4K ready....

4K,  refers to a resolution of 4,096 x 2,160 pixels ( 1.9:1 ). In commercial market new TVs are UHD. Ultra High Definition, or UHD for short, is  quadruples that resolution to 3,840 by 2,160 ( for a 1.78:1 aspect ratio ).

Spectrum is now ugrading its video processing infrastructure to 4K 12G. We are adding new devices from worldwide manufaturers fro signal processing, video distribution, fiberoptic extender, switchers, players, recorders and media players. Spectrum will be ready soon to invest high power 4K projectors....